Saturday, May 28, 2011

Summers started!

It seems like we have been so busy, with parent visits, sports, awana's, therapy appointments, and life that we haven't had a lot of time to just relax as a family together. Today however we have just been having fun and hanging out together. I am so grateful for times like this.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Life's easier after 7 p.m.

We had some friends over for dinner the other night, and after I put the babies down at 7p.m. I came down and said "life is easy after 7!" They looked at me like I was crazy until I explained that now the babies were down I could sit and relax a bit. Our friend laughed and said that is the perfect name for a book! While I am not ambitious enough to write a book, I will attempt a blog. (second attempt) This will hopefully document our life as we are currently on a journey with 7.

Today is our anniversary. We have said before if someone had told us then what our life would look like now, we would have run (in separate directions). Praise God he is gracious and has been working in us to change desires that I would have never dreamed possible. As a woman who has always cared about outward appearance, how others view me, and that I would appear (cool), I truly believe it is a miracle the work the Lord has done in me to not care about my appearance to the world but rather my appearance before my audience of one and to live for HIM. I can definitely still get caught up in the cares of this world, but as I try to focus on my Savior instead of myself I am more content then I thought possible! I am a work in progress... grateful I am not who I was but continually striving to be more like HIM.
